Sending E-mails to Several Recipients

Stand: 11.07.2017

Dank der an der Universität Mannheim angesiedelten Landeskoordinationsstelle für Übersetzungsangelegenheiten im Hochschulwesen Baden-Württemberg Externer Link können wir diese Webseite auch auf Englisch zur Verfügung stellen.

Thanks to the University of Mannheim, which coordinates translations relating to higher education in Baden-Württemberg Externer Link, we are able to provide this text in English.

Diese Seite auf Deutsch lesen... / German version... Interner Link

Have you ever received a nice invitation via e-mail but found it hard to read because of the endless list of recipients? You certainly would have preferred it if your private e-mail address had not been shared with all other invitees. On top of that, the risk of viruses and SPAM is increased if the e-mail addresses are visible to others.

There are several ways to avoid this problem. In specific cases where data protection is an issue, hiding all recipients might even be imperative.

Der vollständige Inhalt des Dokuments steht nur den mit ZENDAS kooperierenden Hochschulen zur Verfügung (nähere Informationen finden Sie hier Interner Link).

One way to send e-mails to several recipients without disclosing all recipients is to open a mailing list on your e-mail server.

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